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Reasons to Garden....

Healthy Living

  • Gardening is a labor of love (aka manual labor) that promotes healthy living. Knowing where your food comes from & how it's grown along with having access to fresh produce encourages a healthier lifestyle. It has the ability to bridge generations by giving the older generations the opportunity to teach the younger ones how to grow a garden. Amazingly enough, I have found that most children love to plant seeds and watch them grow.

Therapeutic Gardens

  • The development of Therapeutic Gardens has been on the rise. There are so many who have dealt with/survived trauma who may benefit from gardening. This can range anywhere from sitting on a bench enjoying the sights & sounds of the garden all the way to getting dirt under their nails while working in the soil or with the plants.

Peace of Mind

  • There is just something about the process of growing plants... Tilling the soil, planting seeds, & watching these seeds transform from seedlings to productive plants is extremely rewarding. Known to reduce anxiety, depression, & stress; gardening has also been found to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's. Getting your hands dirty has its benefits as well because of the bacteria found in soil that helps activate brain cells used in the production of serotonin.

The Bottom Line....

  • Gardening is not only an experience, but a way of living. I whole heartedly recommend stepping outside your comfort zone & into the garden (flower, vegetable, or both) towards a more rewarding & healthier life!

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